MORE coming soon
in thanks to your contributions
Funding goal for 20 episodes $2000
Current contributions = $1125 !!!
(so grateful to this community)
Pissed off and Purposeful.
Conversations about how we MAMA-
Make America Moral ALREADY!
This is a podcast that opens doors for listeners to access their own purposeful actions for change. It's where we take our grief, our rage, and our love and make something meaningful. Get ready to meet the people, organizations, and ideas that are making America more moral.
Before we launch this thing let me share where I’m at… I have been podcasting for 10 years now and it's my very favorite thing to do. I'm ready to produce this new show, but I’m also realistic about my tendency toward uncompensated burnout. Instead of making this a subscription show I am looking for people to fund $100 episodes so that it's a publicly accessible show. In my experience an episode takes an average of 3 hours of time to create. I am looking for 20 contributors in order to get started.
There are so many things to be mad about in his world. I want to share how people are channeling their rage into power —into action— because the only anger that is poison is anger without empowerment. Each episode will be guided by these three questions:
What does it mean to have and live by a moral code?
How do we weave together the parts of our society that have split?
What is the nation we want our children to inherit?
We’ll talk about: immigration, climate, healthcare, education, reproductive health, queer rights, relationships, community... we will all come to the table and work together. Whether the future of our nation is republican, democrat, or another way- WE NEED CHANGE and we have to be the ones who make it happen. Who is game? Will you listen? Will you be my guest? Will you share? Will you contribute? We need all hands on deck.
contribute here
Please enjoy the first two sample episodes below:
Ali and Parasol Patrol
Ali Wicks-Lim lives in Western Massachusetts where she can usually be found organizing, advocating, teaching, homeschooling, writing, parenting and finding or creating adventures. She lives with her wife, their daughter and several high-maintenance pets. She has been active in advocacy and activism work for a long time and leading the Western MA Parasol Patrol for the last 2 years.
Pissed off and launching with LOVE
An introduction to the podcast and my personal story of the rage that led me to launch this entire project. In 2023 my daughter was raped. In 2024 the country elected a rapist and something in me forever changed.